Give InterPlay Day is May 12

Support Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill InterPlay

Give InterPlay Day is a day to support and celebrate meaningful and relevant projects happening all over the globe. With18 different Give InterPlay Day projects, we are grateful to be a part of a community that strives for body wisdom and equity to be accessible to all. Please consider donating on or before May 12th, in order to support the future we want to see, sing, and dance in.

The Triangle InterPlay region has been offering the transformative practice of InterPlay for over 25 years! Our activities have included the first Life Practice Program on the east coast, Leader training events, Untensives, playgroups, artists in residence, performances and outreach to special populations.

For Give InterPlay Day, we are requesting donations towards two important goals: sustaining our InterPlay activities and outreach, and training more certified InterPlay leaders from communities of color and millennials. Click the button below to learn more!

Triangle InterPlay