Phil Porter, Day of InterPlay, and More!

October is full of amazing opportunities to experience, celebrate, and support InterPlay. Please join us at one the events listed here. You’ll find more details below.

InterPlay co-founder Phil Porter comes to Raleigh this weekend

Phil will be our special leader for the monthly Raleigh Playgroup on Oct. 6! Newcomers welcome. No registration required. He is also co-leading the revised Secrets of InterPlay program. This multiple-day event will give you direct experience in the powerful tools of the InterPlay system, and kicks off the updated InterPlay Life Practice Program. Advance registration required.

International Day of InterPlay

Come join us for the Triangle Day of InterPlay House Party Celebration and Fundraiser. Eat, Play, Celebrate, Repeat! InterPlayers around the world will gather in local groups to celebrate the way that InterPlay is offering hope and possibilities in a world that sorely needs it. Advance registration requested.

November Chapel Hill Playgroup update

In November, the Chapel Hill Playgroup will meet on the second Saturday, Nov. 10. It will resume its regular third Saturday schedule in December.

Triangle InterPlay