Register now for the 2019 Day of InterPlay and 30th Anniversary Kick-off

Join us on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 10:00 AM for the monthly Chapel Hill Playgroup immediately followed by a free lunch and Giving People Wings fundraiser.

InterPlayers around the world are gathering in local groups to kick off INTERPLAY'S 30TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR! We will lift up the amazing ways that InterPlay is supporting real change across the US and in other parts of the world—inspiring projects with an eye toward peace, equity, community, artfulness, transformation, and the wisdom of the body!

Come join us for our regular Chapel Hill Playgroup at 10AM followed by a free lunch and Giving People Wings fundraising event. The Triangle Day of InterPlay will offer an opportunity to meet, mingle and play with other InterPlayers from across the Triangle area and enjoy a delicious meal together.

Please register in advance. Thank you!

Triangle InterPlay