Give InterPlay Day is April 10

We are a month away from Give InterPlay Day on April 10th!! ONE DAY ONLY! This is an online fundraiser where we can raise funds that specifically support our efforts in the Triangle. The Triangle InterPlay region will be collecting donations for our local scholarship fund. We've provided many scholarships over the past year to support people doing the Life Practice Program and are excited to support others in completing the Leader Training Program, and becoming certified InterPlay leaders.

In the coming year, we want to continue to support people interested in these life-changing programs. In addition, this year's National Leaders Gathering will be held in Highlands, North Carolina. We'd like to be able to support local leaders interested in attending this time of deep play and leadership wisdom.

Scholarships are open to all. Based on Body Wisdom. Inc.‘s commitment to building transformational InterPlay communities of practice, we especially encourage people of color, millennials, full-time artists/activists, and undergraduate/graduate/professional students to apply.

Read more about how you can support Triangle InterPlay.

Triangle InterPlay