Schedule Change—Asheville's InterPlay Spring Play
Friday, May 3 – Saturday, May 4, 2019
Due to several schedule conflicts, Asheville's annual Untensive schedule, name and costs have changed. Join your spirit with other creative beings and luxuriate in a community experience of movement, story, voice and stillness—set in the beautiful blooming mountains of Asheville.
See the InterPlay Asheville website for the latest information. Advance registration required.
PLUS a special Friday, May 3 Asheville Storytelling Workshop for Women
Women's Wisdom—Telling Tales of the Heart
Friday, May 3, 2019
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Cathedral of All Souls Church, Asheville, NC
A storytelling workshop for women of all ages led by Judith Valerie. Find out more.
Give InterPlay Day is one week away
This past Sunday, we celebrated the graduation of 9 people from the InterPlay Life Practice Program! Many of these graduates are ready to continue on to the Leader Training Program and are anxious to take InterPlay into new places. Your past support allowed us to provide scholarships to some of these and other InterPlayers to complete this and other life-enriching InterPlay programs. Won't you donate to our online fund-raising campaign and help us to continue providing opportunities for embodied connection and body wisdom?
We need more InterPlay in the world, and you are making that happen with your gift between now and April 10th!