Phil Porter brings the "Unbelievable Beauty of Being Human" to the Triangle
Join us on February 14–16 for a weekend of easy and incremental play and performance with InterPlay co-founder Phil Porter from the San Francisco Bay Area. All events are open to everyone. No experience needed. Click the links to get all the details:
Feb 14, 7:00 PM: Come meet Phil at an InterPlay-For-All.
Feb 15, 9:30 AM: Attend the Unbelievable Beauty of Being Human workshop and learn the process of creating together in the moment. Be a part of the performance that evening. Scholarships available. Advance registration requested.
Feb. 15, 7:00 PM: Come and watch the Unbelievable Beauty of Being Human in performance. Bring a friend to this delightful community event.
Feb 16, 2:00 PM: Do some Sneaky-Deep Play and let yourself discover something new, whether you have been doing InterPlay for a long time or are newer to it.
Please note
The Chapel Hill Playgroup will not meet in February, but will resume its normal third Saturday schedule in March.
And more
SpiritPlay resumes for a new winter/spring season of monthly creative play and bodyspirit renewal. Advance registration requested.